Saturday Jun 16, 2018
Episode 6 - CNN/MSNBC/HUFFPO - immigrant children, Yemen, etc
Saturday Jun 16, 2018
Saturday Jun 16, 2018
1. Intro - Dat one wind
2. Immigrant children separated from their families via cnn, msnbc, huffpo
3. Trump! Trump! Trump! Dominates every MSNBC headline
4. UN holds private session, rejects plan for Yemen ceasefire. 8.5 million innocent people hang in the balance
5. More news, talk about why the left abaondoned the anti-war game
6. outro - "The Beast"
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Episode 5 - North Korea summit, legalizing weed??, net neutrality
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
1. Intro - dat one wind
2. Trump
3. North Korea - US summit
4. Legalizing weed? STATES act
5. Net neutrality
7. Outro - Spanish hits
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Episode 4: Football, Cakes and Marshmallows and FREEEEEEEDOMMMMM!?!
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
1. Intro - Dat one wind
2. Kate spade suicide
3. Whitehouse cancel annual celebration of NFL Superbowl Champions
3.5 Black lives matter and the war on drugs
4. Supreme court upholds Christian baker's right to not bake a cake for gay wedding
5. Marshmallow test not debunked despite what atlantic.com says
6. Outro - We all frontin
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Episode 3 - I want the robots to take our jobs!
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
1. Intro - dat one wind shawty
2. Eviscerate Bill Gates about his silly ideas regarding taxing businesses for automating work.
3. Some thoughts on future show topics
4. Cryptocurrency roundup
5. Are we definitely in a bubble? Maybe Hayek wouldn't agree.
6. Outro beat - Elegance
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Episode 2 - The big 3 - War, Drugs and Money
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
0. Intro - Dat One Wind Shawty
1. recapped last episode, sort of
2. i want to do 30 minute podcasts
3. Go over some big topics that I want to do future episodes on
4. Why do I think money matters? (fake out, I actually talk about war for a while)
4.5. How did I originally become open to free market ideas?
5. WAR - What is it good for??
6. DRUGS - should be legal
7. MONEY $$$$$ - End The Fed!
8. Outro - Fire.mpthreeeeeeeee
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
1. Music intro - "Dat one wind shawty"
2. Who am I?
3. Why am I doing this?
4. My favorite podcasts
5. More about my favorite podcasts
6. How to stay entertained but never brainwashed - a full proof system
7. I am a voluntaryist aka anarchocapitalist aka libertarian
8. Free Talk Live
9. Am I a global warming skeptic?
10. I have a f******* PhD in Physics
11. Liars and the wars in the middle east
12. Short podcast intros are good
13. *Live musical interlude
14. Shoutout to Owen Benjamin
15. Plug soundcloud 'Pat LaRue'
16. sports.....
17. News story - Synthetic diamonds, Blood diamonds and De Beers
18. CNN headlines - Rosanne gets fired!
19. Political correctness
20. Trump does suck but because of the wars and stuff
21. CNN, war, propaganda, crafting a narrative
22. Antiwar.com headlines
23. Alex Jones was right?
24. Music outro - "Elbow room at the bar"